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We are slowly but surely making our plans for the summer

We though it's time to give you an update on where we are, what we understand so far from the various governments, and where we expect we'll go from here. Luckily, there is some good news!

One country that has managed the Covid19 crisis better than most is Greece, with to date only 136 deaths and no cases of the virus now on the island of Lefkas (there was only one case early on, but the patient recovered quickly). On May 4th the Greek government will start to ease the restrictions and the plan is to open up regular hotels again on June 15th and seasonal hotels like ours on July 1st. The big challenge for Greece is to open up the country to tourism - which represents 40% of the country’s GDP - without risking bringing in the virus. The authorities are confident they can find a solution.
The main idea currently mooted is requiring a ‘health certificate’ from all travellers. We assume that it will take the form of some testing several days before taking a flight to Greece, followed by another test on arrival. This appears to be a solution that might hold water.

We already have a base team for Wildwind and Healthy Options in Vassiliki that has been there over the winter, and our plan is to send the remainder of our staff out before any clients arrive. This way, they can be quarantined on arrival and can start the season with a clean bill of health.

It is still early days and much is uncertain, but it may well end up being that actually going on holiday to Greece, especially Lefkas, is one of the safest things to do this summer. We will keep you informed as soon as we have any more reliable information. Always check our website for the latest information.

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